Ways to Combat Loneliness as a Senior Citizen

Active senior citizens holding hands and walking for exercise

It has been shown that loneliness can have a negative impact on the health of seniors. According to the AARP, approximately 42 million Americans over the age of 65 suffer from chronic loneliness. This number is only going to grow as the population ages, so it’s important for people in this age group to find ways to combat loneliness.

As people age, they can become more prone to loneliness. There are several ways to combat this, however. Below are some tips for seniors to keep in mind.

Spend time outdoors.


One way to combat loneliness as a senior citizen is to spend time outdoors. Staying active and interacting with nature can help seniors feel good about themselves, connect with their community, and reduce feelings of isolation. There are many ways seniors can get outside and enjoy the fresh air, including gardening, bird watching, hiking, biking, and walking. Taking a stroll around the neighborhood or visiting a local park are both great options for getting some exercise while enjoying the company of others. Joining a group that enjoys outdoor activities is another great way to make friends and get out there in the world. Spending time outdoors is not only good for combating loneliness, but it’s also great for improving mental and physical health.

Get Involved in your community.


One way to combat loneliness as a senior citizen is to get involved in your community. There are many ways to do this, depending on your interests. You could join a club or group that meets regularly, volunteer with a local organization, or attend events and activities in your community.

Getting involved in your community can help you meet new people and make connections. It can also give you a sense of purpose and belonging. Participating in activities and events allows you to socialize and connect with others who share your interests. It can also help keep you active and engaged, which can improve your overall well-being.

One barrier to getting out and getting for many seniors is transportation. Many people stop driving once they reach a certain age. However, Lyft for seniors and other services helps to combat transportation issues. Many of these services are designed with seniors in mind and can help provide access to transportation. This can help ensure that seniors can get involved in the community and combat loneliness.

Consider getting a pet.

There are a few things to consider when thinking about getting a pet as a senior citizen. Pets can provide companionship and can help reduce loneliness, but they also require care and attention. If you are thinking, “should you get a pet?” it’s important to think about the responsibilities that come with owning a pet.

If you are able to take care of a dog or cat, however, pets can provide seniors with exercise, socialization, and mental stimulation. Dogs need to be walked regularly, and cats need to be played with and groomed. Having a pet can also help reduce stress levels and promote positive emotions. Pets can act as furry friends who provide unconditional love and support.

If you’re considering getting a pet as a senior citizen, do your research first. Consider the type of pet that would be best suited for your lifestyle and living situation. Make sure you’re prepared for the responsibilities that come with owning a pet, such as feeding them, walking them, cleaning up after them, and taking them to the vet for check-ups.

Overall, it’s important to find ways to combat loneliness as a senior citizen in order to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Becoming more active and finding ways to deal with loneliness can help improve mental and physical health, increase socialization, and provide a sense of purpose.

Isla Leighton is the Founder & Editor behind Rock Salt Plum, a digital community curated to deliver an accessible yet sophisticated lifestyle standard. The inspiration behind the brand’s creative drive and style influence is mirrored in Isla’s day-to-day experiences and passion for beautiful design, personal growth, and elegant lifestyle content.

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